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  1. Ali Shahid al Ansari
    August 8, 2013 @ 8:20 am

    I have been given a poem by none other than the great Poet … Shahreyar ! I have understood almost 70% of it but some words are truly beyond my capability !
    Can you translate it for me please ?

    And to say something about your Site Easy Persian is to say that Sun gives light & life ! It is truly astounding and simply amazing …. !

    My heartfelt greetings to you and Ramadhan Eid Mubarak to you and to all your loved ones !

  2. Claudia
    March 1, 2014 @ 8:19 pm

    Dear Hassan,
    this is my first reply since i started with your lessons last november. To be able to read Molana in HIS language is my motivation to learn persian. Thank you so much for this beautifull online cours – i enjoy it very much. I am deeply happy to be able to read Molana
    in the original version. Until now i read him in french and english or german.
    Along your lessons i get to know the poets of today, which i started to like also. What a rich tradition you have for writing! Thank you so much for this cours!
    Claudia, Bern, Switzerland