Welcome back!
Have you studied the previous lessons carefully? It’s wonderful if the answer is yes! If not, please study those lessons before taking care of the new ones.
Last week, we covered five more letters. Do you remember them? They are
. If you need to listen to these letters again, click here.
All right. Today, we are going to learn five more letters. Ready?
14. This letter has no English equivalent. I am sure all of you know the pronunciation of J in French words such as ‘Bonjour!’ So, this letter is called /zhe/. /zh/ as j in ‘bonjour’ and /e/ as e in set. This letter has one form only. Need to hear? Click here.
When combined with vowels, it may be pronounced as . Need help? Click here.
Note: as you have noticed, to write the way letters are pronounced (phonetic alphabet), sometimes, I have used the combination of two English letters such as /zh/ for , or /kh/ for
. These are the Latin -based Persian that enable you communicate with Persian-speaking people without having to write in Persian. For the time being, you have to learn these phonetic alphabets along with each letter. Nevertheless, I do not recommend you to use these in your writing, at least at this stage. You will become more familiar with this later. In the meantime, please try to write Persian letters using the Let’s write page.
15. –
This is called sin /sin/.
When combined, it may be pronounced as . Need help? Click here.
Note: like and
, when combined with vowels,
have the same pronunciation. That is to say, they have the same pronunciation, but different functions. Currently, you don’t need to learn about these differences. Just learn the letters as you are being told.
16. –
This is called /shin/. Here.
When combined, it may be pronounced as . Here.
17. –
This is called /sa:d/. Here.
When combined, it may be pronounced as . Click here to listen.
Note: These three letters (,
), when combined, have the same pronunciation, and of course with different functions. In the meantime, just learn the letters and don’t worry about their differences.
18. –
This is called /za:d/. Here.
When combined, it may be pronounced as . Click here to listen.
Like the previous ones, ,
, and
, when combined, have the same pronunciation.
Note: As I have reminded you repeatedly, you don’t really need to worry about the different functions of the letters that have the same pronunciations. Just try to learn the letters as you are being told. Nothing more.
If you need to listen to the names of today’s letters, from number 14 to number 18, click here.
Zhe to ZaadThat’s it for today. Don’t forget to check the Let’s write and the Useful drills pages now.
Feel tired? Hit me!
November 20, 2012 @ 4:39 am
Hi! I noticed you said there is no English equivalent to “zhe,” but the sound occurs in the English words leisure and pleasure (I’ve had this brought up when teaching Russian, so I hope it still applies here). This is a great site, by the way! I appreciate the work you’ve put into it!
February 4, 2013 @ 11:51 am
There’s a spellingerror in “These are the Latin -based Persian that enable you communicate with Persian-speaking people”. I recon it is meant to be “These are the Latin -based Persian letters that enable you to communicate with Persian-speaking people”
Baanuu Bug
March 11, 2015 @ 1:53 pm
Hi. I’m sorry but I have to write this to you. Before you go criticising other people for their incorrect spelling, don’t you think it would be a good idea to make sure that your spelling is perfect first?!
February 19, 2013 @ 10:15 pm
thank you so much for these lessons. they are very helpful.
February 23, 2013 @ 6:23 pm
There’s an equivalent for Persian “zhe” in Serbo-Croatian words like “zaba” which means “frog” or “zurnal” which means “journal” or “zivot” which means “life”.
June 28, 2013 @ 5:17 pm
Same in Russian, except “zivot” means “stomach”. Kind of a funny yet true association..
Mustafa Ghuneim
April 21, 2013 @ 4:40 pm
I am a little puzzled here, I am Arabian and I find some differences between the letters like ز with three dots. What are major differences between Arabic letters and Persian ones?
An Iranian
December 7, 2013 @ 12:40 pm
Persian alphabet has 4 letters more than Arabic:پ،ژ،گ،،چ
[email protected]
May 10, 2013 @ 8:34 am
best dude
May 21, 2013 @ 9:34 pm
i cant find a definition for aroosakam anywhere, can anyone help me?
An Iranian
December 7, 2013 @ 12:47 pm
Aroosakam(عروسکم) means “my doll”
aroosak(عروسک)+am (م)=aroosakam(عروسکم)
doll+my=my doll
* am==>my
May 21, 2013 @ 11:57 pm
It means “doll” in Farsi. Although we also use the same term for stuffed animals, it’s generally identified as a doll.
May 22, 2013 @ 12:04 am
aroosak = doll
-am = first-person possessive, my
“my doll”
May 24, 2013 @ 1:28 am
Thank you, Ryan.
Abu Haladi
April 4, 2014 @ 10:11 am
Hallo, Mr Hasan I’m very very enjoyable in this course, since two languages I could improve my english and in addition I get new language, tha’s Persian Language, I’m interested to the Persian due to the relationship with the Siite religion, I convert from Sunnite to Siite since 1996, but I was proudness to The excelency Ayatullah Ruhullah Khomeini in 1979, the first time, I heard the Islamic revolution in Iran, I was proud of him, but at that time no interest at all to Siite religion, however when the Sect of Ja’far Shodik, and this the Sect was one the outsider of the five Sects, Those are Maliki, Hanafi, Syafei and Hambali. Suddenly, I remember the holy books of Christiant those are Matius, Lukas, Markus, Yohanes and Barnabas was rejected by the majority of Christians and I tried to find it and bougth it and read, I was supprised because in the content, the God is ALLAH and the Prophet was Isa as with the result, I had conclusion, that the sect of Ja’far Shodik might be close to the truthness or the truth must be in Shiite Religion. So, with this clonclusion, I with my other friends looked for the teacher to discuss this matter and we found the teacher who already converted to Shiite in advance, even his name never use by Shiite followers. This is as a trigger to be more interested in learning, sometime in my deep feeling Is it possible before I pass away, I could come to Persia to visit the tomb of Imam Reza a.s (blessing of God upon him) and meet and talk to Persian People using persian language. Thank u so much for your attention.
Best Regard,
Tasripin Adiwijaya
July 3, 2014 @ 11:58 am
Thanks a lot for your lessons which are very clear and helpful.
February 18, 2015 @ 12:48 pm
Your website is very helpful and I hope to learn good Persian in few months.
In Lesson number 4, section 18, Zaad the pronunciation link (All Zaad) given should be corrected to read as “All Zaad”.
You have written it as All Zaal.
Many thanks fro the great site.
June 22, 2015 @ 12:37 pm
What is the meaning of ‘Aroom Bash’ and ‘Avaz Sho’ cant find it anywhere.
July 20, 2015 @ 8:17 am
Aroom bash=calm down
avaz sho =change
(Imperative sentences)
January 5, 2016 @ 10:36 pm
Living in Germany and working with refugees, this is helping me so much! Out of urgency, i started studying…
i cant thank you enough to help me build a bridge between people. Your lessons will come a long way ;)
October 17, 2016 @ 10:25 am
This site is fantastic. I especially appreciate the audio files.
November 3, 2016 @ 9:42 am
真是很奇怪,为什么有那么多的字母形状不同却是同一个读音。i’m really surprised, why are there a lot of different letters with the same pronunciations?