Welcome back!
So far, we have learned eight letters as far as the alphabet is concerned. Do you remember the letters? Excellent! Now, pronounce them again before we proceed.
If you still need to listen to their pronunciations, click here.
Remember that a building will remain strong if it has got a strong foundation. The more you try to learn these basics, the more fluent you will be with the rest of the lessons. Don’t be so hasty to learn complete words and sentences at this stage. You will find yourself fluent very soon.
Today, we are going to learn some more letters. Ready? Let’s begin.
9- –
this letter has no English equivalent. Do you know the pronunciation of ‘J’ in Spanish words like Juan Gonzales? Perfect! So, this letter is called /khe/. /kh/ as /j/ in Spanish Juan, and /e/ as e in set. Need help? Click here.
Like other letters, when combined with the vowels, it may be pronounced as .
Click here to listen.
All Khe /da:l/This letter has only one form. When combined, it may be pronounced as . Need help? Click here.
This letter has only one form. When combined, it may be pronounced as . Click here to listen.
12- , this is called /re/ as in rent. This letter has only one form. When combined, it may be pronounced as
. Need help? Here.
13- , this is called / ze/. /z/ as in zebra and /e/ as in set. This letter has only one form too. When combined, it may be pronounced as
Note: as you have noticed, these two letters, and
, when combined with vowels, have the same pronunciation. That is to say, these two letters have the same pronunciation but different functions. For some words we must use
while for others we have to use
instead. For the time being, you don’t need to worry about these issues at all. Currently, all you have to do is learn the letters as you are being told. That’s all.
All right. Click here if you still need to listen to the names of the today’s letters, that is from number 9 to number 13.
Khe to ZeOk. That’s it for today. Don’t forget to check the Let’s write and Useful drills pages now.
Feel tired? Hit me!
Julia Lee
September 29, 2012 @ 1:01 am
Thank you so much! This is amazingly helpful, and I love the way that you broke it up into manageable pieces!
Mészáros Judit
June 2, 2013 @ 9:22 pm
Thank you! It’s fantastic! I like learning it! Judit
April 7, 2015 @ 9:40 pm
This site is fantastic! I am so grateful!
RacheGerald Isican
March 11, 2014 @ 11:58 pm
I love the letter /Khe/ it makes me laugh every time i try to pronounce it. thank you so much.. i can’t wait to finally be able to learn and speak the language. You are a jewel..
Jamil Ahmed
March 17, 2014 @ 4:25 pm
please tell me how can i download the lessons?????
thank you very much to creat the website.
my name is jamil ahmed
contect me please ….
April 19, 2014 @ 4:08 pm
im finding this site great to learn from but I noticed an error on zaal its suppose to be ze.
September 13, 2014 @ 7:57 am
Thanku soo much…
October 11, 2014 @ 5:49 pm
Number 5 and 10 are very confusing for me in USEFUL DRILL IN LESSON 4. . I thought the answer is both 0 to those number,can someone explain to me how did that happen. I thought when it is /I:/ sound it should have the combination form. Sorry im just a begginer, so im still catching up, im from philippines, I just really want to study persian language for more knowledge, thank you. Good day. And more power to this site.
October 11, 2014 @ 5:57 pm
Also the /za:l/ and zaal confused me too. Maybe because the noted that it should be /ze:/ or zaal . Which one is the correct pronounciation for this, thank you
March 13, 2015 @ 7:13 pm
hi. I’m iranian and i can speak persian very well because i love farsi litreture. I’m useing this site for learning english.thanks for you .this site is excellent
Tigran Sirekanyan
September 5, 2015 @ 11:09 pm
Hi everyone. Very useful website. But I confused re zaal and ze, like every one.
April 12, 2015 @ 1:20 am
Hi there, thanks for creating this site. I know a lot of Iranians and some from Afghanistan too and I want to learn some of their language as some can barely speak English. Love this site! The lessons are really easy to follow and it is really helping me! Thank you so much :)
Bolor Huang
May 25, 2016 @ 6:46 am
Thanks a lot for pulling together such a practical and effective learning website.
A interesting finding from my 4 lessons in Persian: my mother tongue is Mongolian (the traditional vertical alphabet) and i am surprised by how Mongolian shares many common rules in pronunciation and writing (as far as i can tell now) with Persian.
Would love to know if anyone else has knowledge or leaning Mongolian and Persian ?
November 2, 2016 @ 4:24 pm
非常感谢你创建的网站,很好!但是学到第四课的时候我就开始有点迷糊了。 thanks for creating this site for us. it’s a very good website. i’m confused when i got lesson 4. it’s not easy to learn a new language.