Salam! Khosh amadid!
Hello everyone, how are you?
Last week, we learned some about Present Perfect Tense. Today, we are going to practice it more to become more fluent.
As always, here’s the quiz:
1- Say these words in Persian:
Purple – blue – knife – bird – curtain – sky blue – bright – bright color – brown
2- Say these numbers in Persian:
7 – 77 – 777 – 7777 – 77777- 777777 – 7777777 –
3- Say these sentences in Persian:
A – I had two brown coats last year.
B – Mr. Farshid didn’t take your new car last week.
C – I saw a tall man in the street yesterday.
D – Mrs. Irani sold her white car several years ago.
E – Miss Helen turned on your computer this afternoon.
All right, now let’s start.
We already know how to make a verb in present perfect tense. Remember? Good! Let’s see some more examples today.
To turn off = /kha:mu:sh kærdæn/. Delete
/nu:n/, and we’ll have
/kha:mu:sh kærd/. Add
/he/ to this verb to get
/kha:mu:sh kærdeh/. Then say it in the following sentences:
I have turned off = /mæn kha:mu:sh kærdeh æm/.
You have turned off = /to kha:mu:sh kærdeh i:/.
He/she has turned off = /u: kha:mu:sh kærdeh æst/.
We have turned off = /ma: kha:mu:sh kærdeh im/.
You have turned off = /shoma: kha:mu:sh kærdeh id/.
They have turned off = /a:nha: kha:mu:sh kærdeh ænd/.
I have broken = /mæn shekæsteh æm/.
You have broken = /to shekæsteh i:/.
He/she has broken = /u: shekæsteh æst/.
We have broken = /ma: shekæsteh im/.
You have broken = /shoma: shekæsteh id/.
They have broken = /a:nha: shekæsteh ænd/.
To fix/repair = /tæmir kærdæn/.
I have fixed = /mæn tæmir kærdeh æm/.
You have fixed = /to tæmir kærdeh i:/.
He/she has fixed = /u: tæmir kærdeh æst/.
We have fixed = /ma: tæmir kærdeh im/.
You have fixed = /shoma: tæmir kærdeh id/.
They have fixed = /a:nha: tæmir kærdeh ænd/.
Note: as I have already mentioned, in the case of longer sentences, we have to use the same rule for all tenses: subject + object + time + place + verb
I have broken that window = (in Persian sentence) subject + object + verb = /mæn a:n pænjereh ra: shekæsteh æm/.
Now, you continue:
You have broken that window =
He has broken that window =
We have broken that window =
You have broken that window =
They have broken that window =
All right, with this we come to the end of lesson 29. I hope you enjoyed it.
Please go to Useful drills page to try more.
Let’s write page is waiting for you if you want to see the main stress of the new words.
See you next week!
Khoda Hafez!
November 15, 2012 @ 11:15 pm
Aga Hasan I love your lessons very much I became to love Persian language so much and you make it so easy for us! Thank you for your efforts, keep helping us so successfully!! Love from Greece!
January 12, 2013 @ 4:10 am
Aga Hasan: tashakor boroyah ein safeh bissor khoob!
Ali Shahid al Ansari
August 8, 2013 @ 10:18 am
I forgot to send you the poem ( Manqebat ) of Moula Ali (AHS) penned by Ostad Shahreyar ! I copy below here ….
علی اے ھمایٔ رحمت توچہ آیتی خدارا
کہ بہ ماسوا فکندی ، ھمہ سایۂ ھمارا
دل اگر خدا شناسی ہمہ در رخِ علی بیں
بہ علی شناختم من بہ خدا قسم خدا را
بہ خدا کہ در دو عالم اثر از فنا نمانَد
چو علی گرفتہ باشد سرچشمۂ بقا را
مگر اے سحابِ رحمت تو بباری ارنہ دوزخ
بہ شرارِ قہر سوزد ہمہ جانِ ماسوا را
برو اے گدائے مسکیں درِ خانۂ علی زن
کہ نگینِ پادشاہی دہد از کرم گدا را
بجز از علی کہ گوید بہ پسر کہ قاتلِ من
چو اسیرِ تست اکنوں، بہ اسیر کن مدارا
بجز از علی کہ آرد پسرے ابوالعجائب
کہ عَلَم کند بہ عالم شہدائے کربلا را
چو بہ دوست عہد بندد زِ میانِ پاکبازاں
چو علی کہ می تواند کہ بسر بُرَد وفا را
نہ خدا توانمش خواند، نہ بشر توانمش گفت
متحیرم چہ نامم شہِ ملکِ لافتیٰ را
بدو چشمِ خوں فشانم، ہلہ اے نسیمِ رحمت
کہ زِ کوئے او غبارے بہ من آر توتیا را
بہ امیدِ آں کہ شاید برسد بہ خاکِ پایت
چہ پیامہا سپردم ہمہ سوزِ دل صبا را
چو توئی قضاے گرداں، بہ دعائے مستمنداں
کہ زِ جانِ ما بگرداں رہِ آفتِ قضا را
چہ زنم چو نائے ہر دم زِ نوائے شوقِ او دم
کہ لسانِ غیب خوشتر بنوازد ایں نوا را
“ہمہ شب در ایں امیدم کہ نسیمِ صبحگاہی
بہ پیامِ آشناے بنوازد آشنا را”
زِ نوائے مرغِ یا حق بشنو کہ در دلِ شب
غمِ دل بہ دوست گفتن چہ خوشست شہریارا
Waiting for your help ….
Ali Ansari.