Salam! Welcome back!
As you probably know, today, we will reach the end of The Little Black Fish. For me, it was a very interesting journey. I hope you had the same feeling. From next week, we will work on something different.
The Little Black Fish – Page 21 (last page):

Do you have problems watching the clip? Please right-click on the link below and choose ‘save link as’ to download the video (in mp4 format):
little_black_fish_p21_w165.mp4 (1141 downloads )
Don’t forget to check the Useful Drills and the Let’s Write pages. Keep practising. See you next Saturday.
By the way,
If you are interested in downloading the pdf format of the little black fish (mahi siah e koochooloo) in Persian (Farsi), here’s the entire book for you to download. Behrangi’s books (in Persian) are available here for free.