Hello everybody,
I hope all of you are doing well. The reason I am not updating these pages very often, as I used to, is not that I don’t want to see you! It is because I simply can’t do it! To tell the truth, I have decided to go back to school! We Iranians say, “ پیری و معرکه گیری ” – “peeri yo marekeh geeri”!
peeri yo marekeh giriBasically it means, “doing at old age what you should have done at young age!” or “doing the activities of the youth (and trying to show the others that you are still young) at an old age”!
Don’t think I am old! I am only about twenty years older than many of my classmates!! But who cares! It does worth it. It is a memorable feeling and I suggest you, too, do something to feel young!
I am doing philosophy in a degree level and absolutely love what I am doing! Yeah! But as you can imagine, this means a lot of work and ‘suffering’ for poor Hassan and the family!
Now that you know what Iranians say about a person who wants to look young at an old age, please let me tell you what the very same Iranians say about a person who – in my case – through disclosing his secrets tries to be friendlier with others more than before! We say, “ سلام روستایی بی طمع نیست! ” – “ salam e roostaee bi tama nist!”
salam roostaeeThis means: “A (poor) villager is expecting something from you when he comes greets you warmly!” I am not expecting much! It is just this: if, by accident, you have saved some money to give away to those who need it, or to throw it into the ushers’ bags in your church this coming Sunday(Just a joke!), please send that donation to Hassan because he desperately needs your support now. Khoda kheiretun bedeh! (May God reward you back!)
Today, I seem very talkative! Just one more short note! I finally finished writing my memoir – with a selfless friend’s help, of course – and signed a contract with a publisher in USA last week. Again, YEAH! I expect the book to be in the market around Christmas – or early in the next year. I will certainly let you know about it.
All right, no more ‘roodeh derazi’! ( روده درازی ) (Being very talkative).
The Little Black Fish Page 16 – Lesson 160:

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mahi_siah_koochooloo_page_16_w160.mp4 (1046 downloads )
Don’t forget Sardar Ji on our Useful Drills page.
The Little Black Fish – Mahi siah e koochooloo – Samad Behrangi – Page 16 – Words
September 3, 2012 @ 12:41 am
No! You stopped lessons… :(