Salam beh hamegi!
I hope you are doing well, particularly, with your Persian!
Before we begin today, I have a few announcements!
- So far, two people have shown interest in translating the little black fish. If you want to take part in this ‘fishy’ project (!), please feel free to let me know. Also, please tell me if I am allowed to put your name online. Thanks.
- One of the students, Sardar Ji, from India, has kindly sent me several pages from a Persian language book (primary school book), with its translation. I will put it online next week. My special thanks to Sardar Ji. Namaskar ji!
- If you send me the Persian version of this Rumi’s poem, you will get free access to the Easy Persian Love Songs Collection. But don’t try to cheat me by sending something fake! Honestly, I am very good at poetry (except this poem)!
Here is the poem in English:
‘When we are dead,
Seek not our tomb in the earth,
But find it in the hearts of men’.
4- For those of you, who have been eagerly asking for a picture of ‘this Hassan’ so they can see ‘the face of their teacher while studying’, I have good news! Since generosity is part of my nature (!!), instead of one single picture, I am giving away a whole bunch of my video files!
Recently I have begun delivering speeches, but I noticed it’s no fun to talk to myself only! Therefore, I decided to record what I say and share the files with others on internet. I hope these video files will be of use to some people.
Let me warn you that unlike the peaceful Hassan you are dealing with here on Easy Persian, Hassan the speaker may not be so friendly. On my new website, I will talk about a wide variety of topics such as religion, religious dogmas, freedom, human rights, books, movies, democracy, dictatorship and so on and so forth. That Hassan, whom you will see shortly, is not talking from any religious, ideological or political point of view. Since he is trying to explore things as they are, he feels free to put question marks in front of everybody and everything including but not limited to God, messengers/prophets and the holy books. You may not like that Hassan if you are religious, or if you are looking at the world through ‘the window’ of your party, congregation, leader, or organisation.
But you are lucky because the language in those video files is Persian! That’s all I could do to maintain peace and friendship between you and me!
You may find the temporary address here:
My very best wishes to you,
Hassan H. Faramarz
Sunday, 12 April 2009
The Little Black Fish Page 12 – Lesson 156:

Do you have problems watching the video? Right-click on the link below and choose ‘Save link as’, or ‘Save target as’ to download the clip.
the_little_black_fish_page_12_w156.mp4 (1053 downloads )
Then go to Useful Drills page for the new words.
See you next week,