The Little Black Fish – Mahi siah e koochooloo – Samad Behrangi – Page 10
Salam, welcome back!
After a long recession in ‘energy-giving compliments’ (!), Katty from Australia has sent me a warm message. It is an interesting message (at least to me!), so I asked her if I could post it here. Although she had intended her comments to be a personal encouragement, she agreed to let me share it with the other students. Hopefully, you too will like it.
My special thanks to her and to all of you – whether you have the time to write or not.
Here is Katty’s message:
‘Dear Hassan,
I just wanted to let you know how appreciative I am of all your hard work putting together such comprehensive Persian lessons. I am an Australian who stumbled on your site 12 months ago now, while messing about with google.
I have 3 Iranian friends. Although we all met in the work place (they are 2 doctors and a pharmacist and I am a nurse), we soon developed close friendships outside of work as well.
Originally, I thought it would be fun to learn a couple of greetings in Farsi to surprise my friends with, but then I found your site and since then, something amazing has grown out of it!
You had me hooked from lesson 1 and not only have I learned to speak, read and write a little of the language (I’m currently working through lesson 90), it has become a whole cultural experience as well. As I work my way through your lessons, I have been exposed to a host of new thoughts, interests and delights. Thank you Hassan, for between you and my 3 friends, I have grown a great deal personally.
I love studying your lessons and find them very thorough and well explained. I also enjoy your sense of humour as well as the passion that becomes evident at times. You have given me a great deal of pleasure in learning your language, not to mention pleasure to my friends as they enjoy my efforts! Those efforts have often been the source of much good natured laughter as I stumble my way through simple conversation. It works both ways though, we laugh about their English mistakes too, and just as my friends help me with my Farsi, I help them with their Australian, which I think at times they think is a totally different language to English!
The whole experience however, has not just restricted to language. I have learned a lot about Persian culture, litrature, geography, politics, music and food. (My teenage sons particularly like the food part!) But most importantly, we have all learned that in this world, that is so full of violence and hatred, it is possible to bridge the gaps of language, culture and religion, and experience lasting and deep mutual friendships, based on respect, tolerance and love for each other. And that is a lesson I so want my sons to remember all their lives.
So, thank you Hassan, for the big part you have unknowingly played in the life education of myself and my children. I can only begin to imagine the inumerable hours that you have dedicated freely to your site. Perhaps at times you have felt discouraged or very tired of the whole thing and maybe even wondered why you ever started it in the first place, but know this – you have played a part in influencing and bringing good things to this family in far off Australia, and if you have touched us, how may others who visit your site have also received in a similar way?
daestetun daerd naekoneh!
khoda hafez,
All right, here’s the Little Black Fish Page 10 – Lesson 154:

Do you have problems watching the video? Right-click on the link below and choose ‘Save link as’, or ‘Save target as’ to download the clip.
mahi_siah_e_koochooloo_page_10_w154.mp4 (1146 downloads )
Then go to Useful Drills page for the new words.
See you next week,