The Little Black Fish – Mahi siah e koochooloo – Samad Behrangi – Page 8
Dear all,
Salam! Please let me wish you all a very blessed and merry Christmas followed by a prosperous New Year.
I hope the year 2009 will be the year of peace and friendship between nations. (With so many things happening through ‘peaceful leaders’, my prayer seems to be something very unrealistic!!) – But anyway, ‘ma goftim’! (I said what did worth mentioning – or – I said what had to be said) – (You will learn this structure later today).
The Little Black Fish Page 8 – Lesson 152:

Do you have problems watching the video? Right-click on the link below and choose ‘Save link as’, or ‘Save target as’ to download the clip.
the_little_black_fish_page_8_w152.mp4 (1214 downloads )
Then go to Useful Drills page for the new words. Let me warn you that we have ‘loads of words‘ today!! All the best!
See you next week,