Hello everyone, welcome back!
I hope all of you have been following the lessons patiently and step by step. As I have told you on and on, we are going to learn Persian from the very beginning. It will take us a while to find ourselves fluent. I think the quality is more important than the quantity. Don’t get impatient if you don’t find lots of words each week. Probably, many of you will give up if I put a lot of words and ask you to do a lot of work every week
Note: Almost every day, I receive a message asking for some translations. I would be more than happy if I could do this much work for each of you separately. But, I am only one and have a lot to do. Please be patient with me if I am not really able to write back to all of you directly. However, to meet your basic needs in translation, I have added one more page to this site from this week, and it’s ‘Your words’. You may send me your short sentences and I will translate them for you. But, please send me just one sentence and make it as short as possible.
All right. Now let’s start.
Hopefully, you have already learned the previous words. Today, we are going to make some short sentences in simple past tense.
To begin with, we need to know the structure of a sentence in both English and Persian.
Look at this sentence: I closed the door. I = subject. Closed = verb. The door = object. Is that correct? So, here the structure of the sentence in English is like this:
subject + verb + object. All right?
In Persian, we have subjects at the beginning and verbs at the end of the sentences. All other items such as objects come between these two. That is to say, for the same English sentence we have this structure in Persian: subject + object + verb.
Now, let’s organize the words in this rule. For ‘I closed the door’, we have this in Persian:
Man dar ra bastamwhich means ‘I closed the door’. Is that difficult?
Note: as you see, we have /ra:/ after
/dær/, which is the object of our sentence. As a rule, whenever a word is followed by
/ra:/ is an object. It’s that simple: word +
/ra:/ makes object.
Now let’s try this with all subjective pronouns:
1- I closed the door. /mæn dær ra: bæstæm/.
2- You closed the door. /to dær ra: bæsti/.
3- He/she closed the door. /u: dær ra: bæst/.
4- It closed the door. / a:n dær ra: bæst/.
5- We closed the door. /ma: dær ra: bæstim/.
6- You closed the door. /shoma: dær ra: bæstid/.
7- They closed the door. /a:nha: dær ra: bæstænd/.
and /i:sha:n dær ra: bæstænd/.
Is it really difficult? Wonderful!
Now replace /dær/ with
/pænjereh/. You will say:
1- I closed the window. /mæn pænjereh ra: bæstæm/.
2- You closed the window. / to pænjereh ra: bæsti/.
3- He/she closed the window. /u: pænjereh ra: bæst/.
4- It closed the window. /a:n pænjereh ra: bæst/.
5- We closed the window. /ma: pænjereh ra: bæstim/.
6- You closed the window. /shoma: pænjereh ra: bæstid/.
7- They closed the window. /a:nha: pænjereh ra: bæstænd/.
Now, let’s change the verb.
You already now what ‘to see’ means in Persian. /didæn/.
Let’s try this one.
1- I saw the door. /mæn dær ra: didæm/.
2- You saw the door. /to dær ra: didi/.
3- He/she saw the door. /u: dær ra: did/.
4- It saw the door. /a:n dær ra: did/.
5- We saw the door. /ma: dær ra: didim/.
6- You saw the door. /shoma: dær ra: didid/.
7- They saw the door. /a:nha: dær ra: didænd/.
All right. With this we come to the end of lesson 13. I hope you enjoyed it.
Please go to Useful drills page now to find some new words.
Feel tired? Hit me!
April 17, 2012 @ 3:13 pm
Let me tell u I really love the way u explain the lessons, I wish all these lessons are in a book combined with a CD for easy learning.
Hassan H
April 17, 2012 @ 5:04 pm
Thanks Mustafa
M ali
April 20, 2012 @ 12:36 pm
Thanks for this site. I love the way you are teaching.
Hassan H
April 21, 2012 @ 9:14 am
khahesh mikonam!
(You’re welcome)!
April 26, 2012 @ 5:53 pm
Thank you for these awesome learning materials .
You are really doing a great job .
I am learning very well :-)
June 9, 2012 @ 7:43 am
Beautiful website, may god bless u…
Pls make correction in Persian For I saw and you saw the door, I thing there is typing error.
Take care
October 9, 2012 @ 7:00 pm
October 31, 2012 @ 4:36 am
Hassan, you are a very appreciated teacher. Thank you! About this lesson, I am wondering- if the object is a person, like “Parisa”, do you still put را after her name, for example: من پریسا را دیدم. I ask because in Spanish the rules are different depending if the object is a person or an inanimate object. And would you put “emrooz” before or after the object? I know that’s probably in a lesson later, but you did already give us دیروز وا امروز to learn, and I was thinking about how to put them in sentences.
Also, for others reading this, I typed that Farsi at http://gate2home.com/Farsi-Persian-Keyboard, because I don’t have a keyboard that has all the characters. I find it helpful. Thanks!
February 5, 2013 @ 6:33 pm
yes we put “ra” after objects and your sentence is correct .
about emrooz and dirooz and other time adverbs . we use them in this patterns ( both are correct ) :
من امروز پریسا را دیدم
من پریسا را امروز دیدم
August 25, 2016 @ 9:45 pm
So, does “ra” also work for pronouns ? Like : ما تو را دیدم
Thanks !
Muneeb Ahmed
November 2, 2012 @ 9:15 am
i understand the difference between ‘to’ and ‘shoma’, but what is it between ‘anha’ and ‘eshan’?
December 11, 2012 @ 6:28 am
“Anha” is just a normal way of saying they while “shoma” is a very formal way of saying they.
December 11, 2012 @ 3:01 pm
To add some clarification, eshan is kind of a respectful term for for the third person singular. It only refers to one person, but the verb is pluralized in conjugation. You may have heard of the “royal we” where someone refers to himself/herself in the plural. This is its counterpart in the third person. Hassan explains it in one of the lessons, but I can’t recall offhand which one. Anha = they. Eshan = respectful term for he or she.
November 27, 2012 @ 1:06 pm
This is really nice teaching and your effort is appreciable teaching step by step.
December 5, 2012 @ 4:57 pm
will some one tell me that (eshan) and (darb) both has been used for And, rite?. then why have they made a sentence with Eshan , like ; Ishan dar ra bastand” what will be the translation of this sentence after the addition of eshan.. plz reply soon, and as the rule of the verb with (anha) is NID, so will it b use with the sentences starting with Eshan?
February 5, 2013 @ 6:36 pm
Eshan is respectfully equivalent for he/she and we don’t use it in daily conversation ( just for writing persian )
December 5, 2012 @ 5:00 pm
what part of the sentence does the word RA shows in this lessonor for what word the ra stand in a speach, i am nt clear ,plz clearify thankx
January 26, 2013 @ 3:06 am
you are an incredible teacher! sooo difficult to learn a new language specially with another alphabet, but you make it SO GOOD! God bless you for your incredible job, really!!!
February 3, 2013 @ 5:47 pm
Hassan, i have been learning farsi from you; for quite a long time now! Never wrote to you before.. Wanna tell you just one thing.. there are so many people; like me, who learn from you n wanna thank you for this but, never mention it to you.. :(
Well, We do remember you in our prayers. Stay blessed, brother!
February 11, 2013 @ 2:25 am
خيلي ممنون.
February 24, 2013 @ 6:25 pm
dearest hassan, thank you very much for this special attention n care u hv given for this beautiful language. u believe it or not , from my inner conscious i had a very long urge n desire to learn this FARSI language. the moment i heard its sweet n smooth tone – it was like i felt in love the language we are unknowingly aware of it n it is, was the language at both the religious n official level in the mughal era.
February 24, 2013 @ 9:14 pm
Thank you so much for this website. I lived in Iran as an exchange student (Esfahan) and I loved it so much. This is teaching me so much better than when I was there. I only wish I could be there now to practice it with real people. I love the Iranian people very much. Everyone was kind, friendly and always very welcoming. I never met better people anywhere. I wish only that the US and Iran could be friends again.
Prianka s k
March 13, 2013 @ 8:28 pm
super website..it would be bnice if such a site is made
for learning arabic..make a page where there is history taking of patient by
a doctor fir different complaints
November 21, 2016 @ 11:03 am
That would never happen, in fact – Iran is an enemy of Israel. The US being Zionist puppets also loathe Iran. Pathetic really.
August 15, 2013 @ 6:28 am
Amazing website i have being struggling learning farsi for years now its getting easier, thanks a lot.
Sakinah sheik hoossain
November 13, 2013 @ 1:15 pm
thank u for this website
May 26, 2014 @ 8:26 pm
i want to know why do u have used two “you” meanings? i.e
1: you mean tu
2: you mean shama
why r they different while the word is one but having two meanings itself plz explain.
Its really a good attempt to teach persion in a simplest way, work is appreciable, may Allah bless u, thanx
May 29, 2014 @ 12:30 pm
when u are talking to some one(important/older)it’s better to call them “shoma”,it’s because it’s more polite,but when you are talking to your friends you can call them “tu”..so ..;)
August 4, 2015 @ 10:55 pm
I really like your simple way in explaining the rules. I am able to speak yek kam farsi , I used to say for persian: man farsi balad neestam (which means i don’t know Persian) but now I am able to speak yek kam (little). I believe after i finish all the lessons i will be able to have long conversations with my madar bozorg (grandmother) ..
thank you very much
August 15, 2015 @ 6:55 pm
من خیلی ممنون استم
Could you please explain how do we know if the subject is feminine or singular?
P.S Is the sentence which I have written above in Persian correct?
mireille coulier
October 18, 2015 @ 3:48 pm
thank you very much I’m so pleased to be able to learn persian thanks to you. I love your country very much I was there last spring and my husband and I are planning to come back there next spring, and so we’ll be able to speak with everybody, not only with the english speakers ! you made a great work. thanks again
June 5, 2016 @ 10:52 am
Have nice spring in Iran with your husband!
بهار خوبی در ایران با همسرتان داشته باشید!
May 6, 2016 @ 7:43 am
khosh bashi….
May 7, 2016 @ 6:31 am
Thank you so much for all you have put together. I am learning so much and couldn’t be more excited!!!! I truly appreciate it.
Dominique LORENTZ
May 18, 2016 @ 5:16 pm
Hi, Sir,I am a french new student to Easy Persian, and I want to tell you that your explanations are fantastically clear and easy to understand.
Thank you !
October 8, 2016 @ 4:52 pm
Sometimes I see sentences that the verb is in the beginning and it is not always at the very end of the sentence. Why is that? I also sometimes make sentences that the verb is not always at the very end and Persians understand me, is this not proper grammar like with some from such as mi tavanaed or khahaed will and can verbs.
August 13, 2016 @ 9:26 am
Love this site so much i feel like I’m making so much progress thank you!