Hello everyone! I hope all of you had a great time in my absence!
Before we start our new lesson today, please let me take a few more minutes of your precious time to show you more of my ‘talkativeness’!! I promise this will be my last words on this topic .
I never thought one word could take us all into these many words. After I wrote lesson 118, I received several messages again. The next are short parts of some of them.
No 1:
“ Mr.Hasn
the differenc is Conquer mean to bringing advance living and rul to other nation and more friends and comfort for your nation. but invasion mean stilling people goods and destroing their Civilzation and life without bringing development in people brian and heart!
It seems you calim know alot about Iran …”
No: 2
“you seem to use all opportunity to attack the Arab people. You do it in your message board, in your lessons, even in your homepage ….”
No: 3
“why do you think it is good to make others happy by destroying the Arabs …..?”
And so many other messages in this kind.
To make the long story short, I have chosen parts of one message to answer here. This message is from a person whom I know for some time. I couldn’t ignore her for two reasons:
1- I know her for some time (favoritism is still working!!)
2- The way she has expressed her feeling to defend her nation. I think it is a good lesson for all of us to react in a peaceful way to show others that they may be wrong and this is what the world of Islam needs to do in these days to change many people’s attitudes.
I deeply hope my answer today will be positive. So here we go (just for the last time please):
Dear Nani,
First of all, I love your paintings. Thank you for sharing them with me. Please do not take my comments on ‘invasion’ personal. I did not and will not allow myself to insult a big prophet like Mohammad, peace be upon him.
The next are my short answers to you. My answers are in Bold.
“…I didn’t notice that you hate Arab or said something bad about them and I don’t blame you …”
– Nani, I do not hate the Arabs. Why should I hate them? What ‘hate’ can do that ‘love’ can’t? We are close to each other. We have about one thousand years of history in common now, our grand grandparents have met!!
“…Each one of us are loyal to his country and his nation and feel proud about it…”
– Yes you are right. Our home is our mother. We love our mother.
“…when I read your words I felt that it’s make a sense I have always asked my self why Iran share with us some of our words and if you came to it’s original you find that it’s Arabic”
– Yes, you are right. Lots of Persian words are replaced by the Arabic ones.
“…I for my self don’t really care about those bad things that other people did. they were dead and there works were dead with them. I care about now about our behavior with others now in these days”
– Yes, you are right again!
“…time is passing people are changing and there way of thinking is changing too.”
– Absolutely correct! But some people still do not like this idea. They are still living in thousands of years ago!
“Sir you are a teacher and I know that you want to teach everything about your country right but please don’t put lines between us. You know how many people is visiting that site and all are reading your words. They already have a bad thoughts about Arab and about Islam and when you said that, you completed their thoughts and become beliefs”
– Nani, I am sorry if you and others feel this way. I did not want to hurt you or others. We should learn to accept the truth. Now, please let me tell everyone that I do never ever accept to insult a prophet or somebody’s belief. I do not think the majority is always right. I do not think like the majority. I do not think I should join the majority to condemn a prophet or a religion to please a few people who seem to be strong now. I am not able to do that. I do not even allow people use my words in a wrong way to support a wrong policy. I love the truth. That’s why I am still suffering in my daily life. If, in nowadays, many are targeting Islam or the prophet Mohammad just because of some political leaders’ policies (either Moslems or non-Moslems), they are wrong. I strongly believe that both Moslems and non-Moslems should be exceptionally careful at this time. We are at a very crucial stage in our history. Based on such judgments and hatred, we can never ever bring peace to this world. What is happening in the world today is the mixture of politics and religion presented to the naïve. We should always remember that we cannot judge Jesus based on what the political leaders did during the Middle Ages or later, nor can we judge Mohammad based on what the current Islamic leaders are doing. The sun will not remain behind the clouds for good. We have seen this before and our children will see it later! Do not live in dogmatism.
Our problem today is that we judge the prophets based on what their followers are doing. Now let me ask you a question.
Can we say Jesus was homosexual because such and such priests in such and such churches practice homosexuality today? Can we refer to these priests as our standard based on which we can judge Jesus?
For sure not. We cannot judge Jesus based on what such priests are doing. Jesus is the standard upon which such priests should be judged. We cannot put the standard upside down. If we do, we are benefiting from this standard to satisfy our own desires.
So, the world should not judge the prophet Mohammad based on what such and such Islamic rulers are doing. Do not put the standard measure upside down please.
Personally, I love all messengers. This is my ideology if you are eager to know. I love the way that gathers all human being under one God. In one word, I love ‘love’ because I do not do ‘religions businesses’. I am not a politician!
“we are not bad each nation has it’s black dote in it’s history but so so many good things that still hidden”
– Yes, you are right again. I never said you are bad and I will never say that.
“I hate politics :)”
– Me too!! But quite unfortunately, to rule over the nations, politics is necessary! The point is that politics is different from spirituality. You cannot find a righteous politician nor can you find a political righteous! Keep thinking!
By the way, the best title for your last painting could be ‘Pari’ or ‘Fairy’.
All right, I believe we have talked enough on this topic.
Are you ready for more frog works now?! Good!
Today, we have the last part of our short story translation. I hope you enjoyed it. Please be in touch and give me your comments. Do not feel bad if, in many cases, you do not receive my direct reply through e-mail. I ensure you that I read your messages.
Little frog is frightened and jumps away.

is frightened = /tærsideh æst/
to jump = /pæridæn/ – /khiz zædæn/
jumps away = /khiz zæna:n du:r mi shævæd/
Two possible translations here:
1- ghu:rba:gheh ku:chu:lu: tærsideh æst, væ khiz zæna:n du:r mi shævæd/
2- ghu:rba:gheh ku:chu:lu: dær ha:li keh tærsideh æst pa: beh færa:r migoza:ræd/
Now she begins to understand that it is the red color of her coverall that has made her fail.

now = /ha:la:/
she begins to understand = /kæm kæm motevæjeh mi shævæd/
that = /keh/
to fail = /na:ka:m shodæn/ – /ræd shodæn/
that has made her fail = /keh ba: es e na:ka:mi æsh shodeh æst/
Just then, a sound awakens her.

just then = /na:gæha:n/ – /yek dæf e/
a sound = /seda: i:/
to awaken = /bida:r kærdæn/
“Oh, it’s a dream after all,” little frog realizes.

dream = /kha:b/ – /roya:/
after all = (here in this text, it means) => /khosh bækhta:neh/ – /hæmæsh/
Oh, it’s a dream after all = /va:y, hæmæsh kha:b bu:d/.
to realize = /motevæjeh shodæn/
She looks in the water and sees she is still wearing a green coverall.

still = /hænu:z/
she is still wearing = /hænu:z … pu:shideh æst/
“Mum, the coverall you have given me is very nice, just as green as the grass. I like it very much.” she tells her mother.
Her mother is happy.

nice = /na:z/ – /ghæshæ ng/
just = /dorost/ – /dæghighæn/
as green as grass = /beh sæbzi ye chæ mæn/ – /mesl e chæmæn sæbz eh/
Please do not forget our today’s Quiz! It can help you!
(Source: Lesson 119 – My Translation!!)
1- Listen to the audio files first (preferably once). Repeat a couple of times. Write it down on a paper. Find their English equivalents. (Seen)



2- Find the Persian equivalent for the following words and make four sentences with each of them (in different tenses).
To begin to understand
To awaken
Just then
3- Say these numbers in Persian:
6 – 60 – 16 – 65 – 636 – 106 – 666 – 677 – 680 – 860 – 816
4- Follow the examples, combine the letters, and make words using the given letters. You’ll have to change the big letters into the small ones whenever needed.
To understand = ف + ه + م + ی + د + ن
Red color = ر + ن + گ + ق + ر + م + ز
To realize = م + ت + و + ج + ه + ش + د + ن
Still = ه + ن + و + ز
See you next week!
Paul Hai
February 1, 2014 @ 3:31 pm
Is having women wrapped up in robes from head to foot civilised ?
Would it be intelligent and considerate to have modest dress codes for everybody based on the climate and seasonal weather conditions ?
I only ask, please do not attack me for asking !