Hello again!
Long time no see!! = /moshta:gh e di:da:r/!
After my long absence, I am back here again with a new lesson. I hope all of you had great time during my absence!
The original website for Yahyaa is no more available online and I have no idea what happened to it. Therefore, I have made the texts available on easypersian.com for you to use. The problem here is that we miss parts of the original work, which is not a big deal but affects the way the story of Yahyaa is going. When I first wrote these lessons about Yahyaa, I was addressing to François and his web page. He is gone and all you need to remember today is that there was once a François who had made these few lessons dynamic!! I wish him all the best.
Thank you for your understanding – and my special thanks to those students who told me about the missing Yahyaa! Dastetun dard nakoneh!
We will cover one more part of Yahyaa today. Next week, we will finish our translation discussions. I deeply hope it was helpful.
Today’s lesson is a bit different. All you have to do today is to take care of your ears!! Why? Because I am going to speak and you are going to listen. I am just testing this method today to see how it works.
Here is the story in Persian:
Are you ready? Good!
We will try the third paragraph. I know the first sentence is already done. I am just explaining it one more time.
Please take a look at the new words below, then click on the sound file to listen to today’s lesson. You may open the story of Yahyaa and look at the Farsi writings while listening to the audio file.
You could right-click on the link below and choose ‘Save Target As’ to download this file into your computer. Enjoy your lesson!
Listen to Lesson 109!
Yahyaa /bicha:reh/ = poor => you could also use
/dæst pa:cheh shodæn/ = to lose control (because of not knowing what to do) – confusion while in a rush – (antonym => to stay calm down)
/hæm ghæta:r/ = of the same rank / level – coworker
/værjeh vorjeh kærdæn/ = to bounce (restlessly)
/piya:deh ro/ = sidewalk – pavement
/foj/ = large amount of something – multitude
/motehær.rek/ = unstable – shaky – trembling – mobile
/mæshgh kærdæn/ = to do something – here it means: to parade
/yeki do ba:r/ = a couple of times
/bærgh zædæn/ = to flash – to shine
Please do the Quiz and then go to Useful Drills page.
Take care and have a nice week.
(Source: Useful Drills 85 )
1- Listen to the audio files first (preferably once). Repeat it for a couple of times. Write it down on a paper. Find their English equivalents. (Seen)
Three2- Find the Persian equivalent for the following words and make four sentences with each of them (in different tenses).
To steal
To introduce
To meet
I talked to him
3- Say these numbers in Persian:
0 – 10 – 110 – 101 – 201 – 210 – 102 – 120 – 202
4- Follow the examples, combine the letters, and make words using the given letters. You’ll have to change the big letters into the small ones whenever needed.
See you next week!
July 19, 2015 @ 10:08 am
thanks for the lessons, but I still have problem with arraigning the words.