New Words:
Difficult = /sækht/. Also =
/mosh kel/.
Please translate the following sentences into Persian:
- Persian is easy.
- Russian is easy.
- Persian is easier than Russian (is).
- Persian is difficult.
- Russian is difficult.
- Persian is more difficult than Russian is.
- India is beautiful.
- Iran is beautiful.
- India is more beautiful than Iran is.
- This computer is expensive.
- That TV is expensive.
- This computer is more expensive than that TV is.
- This shirt is cheap.
- That shirt is cheap.
- This shirt is cheaper than that shirt is.
- Canada is big.
- Iran is big.
- Canada is bigger than Iran is.
October 11, 2012 @ 8:07 pm
thank you so much
July 27, 2014 @ 4:14 am
Iran az Hind ghashang tr ast..