As you know, practice makes perfect! These useful drills present even more words and phrases than covered in this week’s lesson. This will not only build your Persian vocabulary, but also help you learn to read and write Farsi more quickly and confidently.
Note: Before doing these homeworks, make sure you have learned the previous words fluently.
New words:
Since + year = /æz sa:l-e- …/. Since 1990 =
/æz sa:l-e- heza:r-o- noh sæd-o- nævæd/.
To call ( to telephone) = /telefon kærdæn/.
These children = /in bæch.cheh ha:/.
Please translate the following sentences into Persian.
- My friend hasn’t eaten food since last week.
- This cat hasn’t caught a mouse since last month.
- I haven’t seen my country since 1979.
- Mike hasn’t fixed his bicycle for three months.
- Mrs. Jones hasn’t called since this morning.
- These children haven’t played for five days.
- We haven’t bought a new motorbike for 11 years.
- They haven’t turned on the radio since this morning.