Today’s drill is absolutely optional!!
Try to translate this letter into Persian!!
Dear high Excellency doctor …., (I have forgotten the name of the doctor)
I have hope that your sacred existence and your highly valuable family are fine. If you want to know our health, I must say that we are fine under your holy shadow! My family is fine and they are kissing your hand!! Thank you for the gifts. You beat us with wood and I felt very embarrassed!! As I told you, I am always pure for you and you are the crown of our head! I am always at your service. How are your respected daughter and wife? I hope wherever they are, your shadow will be on them forever. I take God my witness that we always remember you and your flower daughter! You always have a place on our head! Next time, please tell me when you are coming and I will sacrifice a sheep or cow under your sacred feet! Please don’t worry about that job. Upon my eyes! You just make your lips wet and I will do it for your holy existence!!
Have fun! :)
What you see below is the Persian translation of the above text. One of the students have done this. It is not exactly the same, but so close to the text. So, it is posted ‘as is’. Thanks Anita for the nice job!