Like our lesson today, the Useful Drills page is a bit different! Today, we are going to answer some questions instead of doing our routine drills. You may answer the questions in either Persian or your local language.
- Who is a refugee?
- Did you know that many famous people such as Albert Einstein, Nadia Comaneci, and Henry Kissinger were refugees? Would you say ‘no’ to any of them?
- How many refugees do you know?
- What have you done for them?
- What would you expect from other people to do for you if you were a homeless refugee?
We, the Easy Persian family, are a very big family and can do a lot. Our family has about 55000 members! Too big for a family!
If each one of us put 1 dollar aside in one month, then we can not only feed thousands of people from across the globe but also help them get resettled in a third country. We can touch the heart of thousands of people without even knowing them.
Did you know that 1 dollar in some countries where refugees are struggling can feed several people?
Did you know that 1 dollar a month is too small for us to affect our daily life?
Do you know that?
Words to learn:
Panahandeh Panahandegan Panah juAsylum seekers = /pæna:h ju:ya:n/.
United Nations = /sa:zema:n melæl e mot.tæhed/.
Let us not forget the refugees! = /pæna:hændega:n ra: færa:mu:sh nækonim/.
November 14, 2015 @ 6:25 pm
thank you hassan. i am learning persian to speak with my afghan refugee friends. they are the kindest, most generous people i have ever met. many blessings to you, and love to all.
Muhammad Ilyas
January 14, 2016 @ 6:52 am
Where they are?