New Words:
Rich = /pu:l da:r/ – also
/servæt mænd/
Happy = /khosh ha:l/ – also
Sad = /ghæmgin/ – also
Correspondent = /khæbær nega:r/
Please translate the followings into Persian:
- They are neither enemy nor friend.
- She is neither Iranian nor German.
- I am neither American nor Canadian.
- We are neither here nor there.
- He is neither an ambassador nor a president.
- They are neither rich nor poor.
- She is neither young nor old.
- Ali is neither fat nor short.
- Homa (a girl’s name) is neither happy nor sad.
- My friend is neither a reporter nor a correspondent.
- Your friend is neither an artist nor a writer.
- I am neither a painter nor a poet.
Narjis Fatima
April 29, 2015 @ 6:27 pm
Dear Mr.Hassan,
I have been following your website since 2 months and now reached lesson # 101.I have found your site very helpful.Now i am able to speak persian.Thank you so much for this wonderful effort.I want to ask you that when did you used to teach persian through this site? In which year?
I am once again really very very thankful to you.
May allah shower his blessings upon you and give you remarkable reward in this world and the life hereafter!
Thank you! :)
Waiting for your reply,
From Pakistan..